When I gave the toast at my sisters wedding, I talked about love (how incredibly remarkable, I know).
I did so by painting the picture with a very simple story.
I was doing the dishes at the kitchen sink, and Jenna was in the living room. All of a sudden from inside the other room, I hear...
Did you see this, Joe?!"
Now, I’m not exaggerating, if you knew my sister you would understand.
I looked over at Arturo, Joes brother in law, who stood in the kitchen with me; we both smiled.
Not so much at the profound love connection between two human beings, but more honestly at my sisters incessant summoning, in all of its .... incessantness.
But just then, it clicked.
Quite simply, Jenna was looking at something;
and her j o y was not complete, until Joe was by her side enjoying it w i t h her.
I read a poem, and this was my instant experience.
All I wanted to do was share it; to have someone enjoy it with me.
In this I was brought back to this story, and I found it quite appropriate given that the wedding toast was given exactly one year ago today.
So, in honor of my sister - who wore well the shoes of a beautiful wife, and is now walking the road of a widow.
Thank you for inspiring me in your small and simple acts of love. You have always been a delicate soldier.
I pray that it’s His love you cling to. I hope you stay believing that as the chaos of life spins widely out of control- it falls right into His hands. And there's no better place.
This poem is a plea to Him, the Overseer of our souls, written with a true heart of flesh;
showing the nature of our astounding humanness.
So, without further ado ....
“Have you READ THIS, World?!?”
Found neatly tucked through the glorious doors of
The Rabbit Room
written by Andrew Peterson
(you should totally check it out.)