Monday, September 24, 2012

A Tribute to September 23rd

For 1 year I've stared at an enveloped entitled;

"All I need,
                is you."

In 1 year of time - life happens.

Each moment, of each day, life happens. 
This little envelope mirrored this truth as it was shuffled, dropped, moved -place to place- over the course of 365 days. 

However, for the last few months it has found its home propped upon my bookshelf at level eyesight as I lay my head down each night.

These are often the last words that I read each night before bed, and I find comfort in their truth:


 "All I need,

        is you."

Today marked the start of a new season, and as I laid on my bed to rest, my eyes began to browse the bookshelf. My eyes stopped, as they always do, on the little envelope propped neatly in front of "Walking in the Way" and "The Hiding Place." I  looked at the calendar, and back at the envelope. I quickly realized what the backside read, and I rushed to open it. 

"Written on 9/23/11 
           .. Open on 9/23/12."

It was a letter .. from me. A letter in which the voice of my Lord spoke loudly.

Words penned exactly 1 year ago today that have been shut and sealed for the past 365 days. 

Reading it now, exactly 1 year later,
I am reminded not to worry.

As though the Lord himself was speaking .. He reminds me:
Mia, don't think about who you will marry, think of me. There is no other He, that took you from darkness into light. Read my Word to you - it's always right. Take delight in me, Mia. I am for you. Keep your lips from evil, and let me use you.

I'm thankful for many things today; 

this sweet year-old letter, 
is one of them. 

This year has gently (and sometimes not so gently) pounded 1 simple truth into the confines of my heart, soul, and mind:

God is the only constant

Amidst heartbreak, tears, victory, let downs, marriage, heights, depths, and sweet laughter, laughter, laughter
     .. One thing remains. 
And it's the only thing that ever was
                                               ever is 
                                        ever will be.

Thank you Jesus, that you speak clearly when we tune our ears to your voice.
Thank you that in a world that will never be what I can hold on to ..

All I need,
  is you. 

"O to grace how great a debtor
                                                               Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above."


  1. Absolutely fantastic. Were I not so far away, 10 years younger and someone you actually knew(other than a five minute conversation at the check-in desk where you work that I will never forget)I would certainly petition for the right to your heart, but I could never live up to the standard set by the Constant. You are a wonderful and beautiful soul and I pray now, as I have since the day we met, that God would send you a help meet to walk with you through life. It's rough out there alone(I speak from much experience), but with our Lord and Savior we are always in good company. I am forever thankful that I met you, even just once, and forever prayerful and hopeful that you find the one God has for you. Be blessed and know the pulchritude of your soul blesses those around you, even when you don't know it.

  2. Shane,

    I am normally not at a loss for words, but ..
    my tears will suffice for the loss of them.
    I was so absolutely touched by that response.

    YOU are a blessing, and I praise God to have met you. You have been such an encouragement to me - even from many miles away!
    I too, will continue to pray for you. I pray nothing more and nothing less than God's perfect Will to be done. You are right in saying we are always in good company. Be strengthened in Him, Shane. I KNOW how much of a blessing you are to those in your life -including me! You are so grounded in the Word of God, may He continually increase in you.

    Peace to you, friend.
